D006-A1 Multiple Myeloma je určený na detekciu delécií alebo amplifikácií génov a chromozomálnych oblastí, ktoré sú pri mnohopočetnom myelóme zmenené, ako je 1p, 1q, 13q a 17p, ako aj na detekciu bodovej mutácie BRAF p.V600E. digitalMLPA D006-A1 Multiple Myeloma kit obsahuje 630 prób, z ktorých je 189 cieľových, detegujúcich zmenu početnosti jednotlivých oblastí DNA.
D007-A1 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) je určený na detekciu delécií alebo amplifikácií v 52 špecifických cieľových génoch a troch chromozomálnych oblastiach (5q, iAMP21 and PAR1). digitalMLPA D007-A1 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) kit obsahuje 760 prób, z ktorých je 347 cieľových, detegujúcich zmenu početnosti jednotlivých oblastí DNA.
Oba nové SALSA digitalMLPA kity používajú osvedčenú multiplex MLPA PCR, nasledovanú sekvenovaním na platformách Illumina a rozširujú ponuku už existujúceho digital MLPA kitu -
Veríme, že tieto nové digitalMLPA kity Vám umožnia rýchlejšiu a komplexnejšiu analýzu klinických vzoriek. V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok k digitalMLPA sme Vám k dispozícii.
SALSA FFPE Solution(SFS, kat. číslo SMR05 SFS)umožňuje jednoduchú a rýchlu izoláciu DNA v jedinej mikroskúmavke, pričom získaná DNA je vhodná pre MLPA reakcie.
Použitie SALSA FFPE Solution poskytuje laboratóriu niekoľko významných výhod:
Vytvorte si konto na MyMLPA a budete mať prístup ku knižniciam použitých sond a automaticky budete získavať informácie o novinkách a zmenách v kitoch z okruhu vášho záujmu.
MLPA - zlatý štandard v určovaní početnosti DNA kópií, využívaná v oblasti dedičných porúch a v onkológii.
MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) je multiplex PCR metóda, pomocou ktorej je možné detegovať abnormálnu početnosť až 50 rôznych genomických DNA alebo RNA sekvencií, ktoré sa môžu líšiť iba v jednom nukleotide.
Metóda MLPA je založená na ligácii dvoch sond a následnej amplifikácii. Sondy sú navrhnuté tak, aby sa v prípade hybridizácie na komplementárne vlákna cieľovej DNA vzájomne dotýkali. Po následnej ligácii oboch sond nasleduje amplifikačný proces, pričom koncové časti sond fungujú ako templáty. Amplifikujú sa teda ligované sondy, nie samotná DNA klinickej vzorky. Rôzne páry sond obsahujú rôzne identifikačné sekvencie, ktoré umožňujú nielen testovať, ale najmä spoľahlivo identifikovať viaceré miesta v analyzovanom genóme.
MLPA detekcia je jednoduchá a môže byť vykonávaná v akomkoľvek laboratóriu, ktoré je vybavené termocyklérom a kapilárnou elektroforézou. Výsledky analýzy je možné získať do 24 hodín.
Princíp MLPA reakcie od prípravy po analýzu dát:
MRC Holland, výrobca MLPA kitov, poskytuje viac než 400 rôznych panelov, určených na detekciu frekventných a vzácnych ochorení.
Výhody MLPA v porovnaní s inými detekčnými metódami (sekvenovanie, DHPLC, FISH, CGH array):
Amplia s.r.o. dodáva kompletný sortiment MLPA kitov v atraktívnych cenách a s rýchlym dodaním.
Detailné informácie o jednotlivých produktoch, ako aj manuály ku konkrétnym SALSA MLPA Probe mixom nájdete na domovskej stránke výrobcu: www.mrcholland.com
Výrobca poskytuje aj bezplatný analytický software Coffalyser.Net, ktorý umožňuje spracovať vaše dáta v*.FSA, *.AB1, *.ABI formátoch.
Knižnica dokumentov k špecifickým próbam (Probemix datasheets library) je pravidelne aktualizovaná a dokumenty môžu obsahovať dôležité oznámenia o zmenách či vylepšeniach jednotlivých MLPA prób. Prístup k týmto informáciám získate po zaregistrovaní sa na MRC Holland Personal Account
Všeobecné protokoly na stiahnutie z web stránky výrobcu:
Protokol pre detekciu a kvantifikáciu sekvencií nukleových kyselín –MLPA protokol
Protokol pre detekciu a kvantifikáciu nukleových kyselín a metylačné profilovanie – MS-MLPA protokol
V prípade potrieb môžete využiť novú podporu zo strany výrobcu, určenú na priame spracovanie Vašich MLPA otázok, požiadaviek, komentárov k produktom či spracovanie „raw data“ súborov cez online formulár na stránke support.mrcholland.com
One reference probe has been replaced, one target probe length has been adjusted and one target probe has been removed
As compared to the previous A1 lot, minor adjustments in the lengths of the probes have been made
SALSA MLPA Probemix P079 OTC
One reference probe has been replaced
SALSA MLPA Probemix P381 COL11A1 mix 2
One COL11A1 probe has been removed, five reference probes have been replaced and two probe lengths have been adjusted
SALSA MLPA Probemix P381 COL11A1 mix 1
Eight reference probes have been replaced and one reference probe has been removed
Eight target, one flanking, and four reference probes were replaced; two target and one reference probe removed; 11 target probes were added; four target, one digestion control and three reference probes were changed in length, not in sequence detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix P439-C1 COL4A3
Five target and five reference probes were replaced, one target probe was removed and one target probe was added. Five target and one reference probe were changed in length, not in sequence detected
One IL3RA probe and one flanking probe have been removed, one flanking probe has been replaced, the majority of the reference probes have been revised, and several probes have a change in length but not in the sequence detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix P326-B1 LARGE1
Two target probes have been replaced, three target probes have been added, four reference probes have been replaced and 28 probes have been changed in length, not in sequence detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix P236 CFH Region
New probes targeting CFHR4 and CFH have been added and several target probes have been replaced, most reference probes have been replaced and the flanking probes have been removed, The probes detecting polymorphic sequences have been removed
One target probe has been replaced, two target probes have been added, six reference probes have been replaced, and four target probes have been changed in length, not in sequence detected
Four reference probes have been replaced and one removed. One target probe has been added for STXBP1 and four probe lengths have been adjusted
Two SNRPN M-probes added, one digestion control and one reference probe replaced, two probes adjusted in length, not in sequence detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix P351 PKD1
Two PKD1 probes added and two replaced. One TSC2 probe and four reference probes replaced. Three PKD1 probes changed in length.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P352 PKD1-PKD2
Three PKD1 probes and one PKD2 probe added. One PKD2 probe and one reference probe replaced. Three probes changed in length.
Four probes for TMEM127 and two probes for SDHA have been added, and one MAX probe has been replaced. Reference probes and flanking probes have been revised. With the addition of TMEM127 probes the name of this probemix has also been changed from SDHA-MAX to SDHA-MAX-TMEM127
C2 Version - Lengths of several probes are adjusted but no changes in the sequences detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix ME032 UPD7-UPD14
B1 version - Six PLAGL1 target probes removed, nine target probes replaced and nine target probes added; two digestion control probes replaced; 11 reference probes replaced, one reference probe removed; two target probes changed in length, not in sequence detected.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P178-B4 F8
Sample NA07503 added to the section on positive control DNA samples
Ligation sites of the probes targeting the F8 gene updated according to new version of the NM_ reference sequence
SALSA MLPA Probemix P207-D1 F9
As compared to version C4, new target probes have been added and several target probes have been replaced. Six reference probes have been replaced and three removed. In addition, multiple lengths have been adjusted
SALSA MLPA Probemix P050-D1CAH
I173N WT sequence probe detects the same sequence but now on the reverse strand Five CYP21A2/CYP21A1P probes changed in length not in sequence detected + Two TNXB probes have been replaced One reference probe has been replaced and three have been added
Probemix almost completely redesigned
SALSA MLPA Probemix P355-B1 Microcephaly
One probe targeting the MCPH1 gene has been removed from the probemix
SALSA MLPA Probemix P128 CYP450
One probe is adjusted in length, not in the sequence detected
SALSA MLPA Probemix P438-D3 Celiac Disease
Three reference probes have been replaced.
Two probe lengths have been adjusted. The name of the probemix has been changed to SALSA MLPA Probemix P438 Celiac DiseaseSALSA Binning DNA SD089-S01, which is also CE-marked for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use in Europe*, is included with every P438-D3 order
Two new MGMT MS- and TERT mutation-specific probes have been added, several reference probes and a depurination-control probe replaced, and one new digestion control probe added. Several probes have a change in length but not in the targeted sequence. A a new SALSA Binning DNA is supplied with ME012-B1, SALSA Binning DNA SD094 replaces SALSA Binning DNA SD054
SALSA MLPA Probemix P369 Smith-Magenis (new B1 version)
One target probe has been replaced, ten target probes have been added, five reference probes have been replaced, two reference probes have been added and one reference and three target probes have been changed in length, not in sequence detected
SALSA digitalMLPA Probemix Hereditary Cancer Panel 1
Two probes were added, targeting a intragenic MSH2 exon 2-6 inversion. In addition, other modifications were done to increase the probemix performance: one PMS2 probe was replaced, four other probes were removed, reference probe selection was adjusted and a modified set of control probes was included.
SALSA MLPA Probemix ME034 Multi-locus Imprinting
Two probes for 16p13 added, one SNRPN probe replaced, three reference probes replaced, two probes changed in length but not in the sequence detected
All ten reference probes have been replaced, seven target probes have been replaced, and five new target probes have been added. Three probes have been changed in length, not in sequence detected.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P051-D2 Parkinson mix 1
The probes targeting PARK7, ATP13A2 and PINK1 as well as the mutation-specific probe for A30P (SNCA) will no longer be intended for diagnostic use.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P052-D2 Parkinson mix 2
The probes targeting UCHL1, LRRK2, GCH1, ATP13A2 and CAV1/2 will no longer be intended for diagnostic use.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P405-B1 CMT1
The probes targeting COX10, TEKT3 and MPZ will no longer be intended for diagnostic use
SALSA MLPA Probemix P033-B4 CMT1
The probes targeting COX10, TEKT3 and KIF1B will no longer be intended for diagnostic use
SALSA MLPA Probemix P033-B1 BRCA2 Confirmation
The probes targeting BRCA2 will no longer be intended for diagnostic use related to Fanconi Anemia type D1
The target testing population for predisposition to breast cancer and other CHEK2-related cancer types will be limited to individuals originally suspected of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome for the probes targeting CHEK2. The probes targeting BRCA2 will no longer be intended for diagnostic use related to Fanconi Anemia type D1.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P060-B2 SMA Carrier
The probes targeting SMN2 will no longer be intended for diagnostic use.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P021-B1 SMA
The probe targeting NAIP will no longer be intended for diagnostic use. The use of genomic DNA isolated from prenatal samples will no longer be intended for diagnostic use. SMN2 copy number determination on dried blood spot (DBS) derived crude extracts will no longer be included for diagnostic purposes.
SALSA MLPA Probemix P090-C1 BRCA2
The probes targeting BRCA2 will no longer be intended for diagnostic use related to Fanconi Anemia type D1
SALSA ME002 SMA Newborn Screen
The use of genomic DNA isolated from human peripheral whole blood will no longer be intended for diagnostic use
SALSA MLPA Probemix P090-D1PAH
Description of probe targets at the edge of or slightly outside the coding region has been adjusted. No change in actual target sites
Zoznam SALSA MLPA kitov, ktoré už nie sú v ponuke: